Blackman-Tukey Spectrum

The Blackman-Tukey spectrum (or correlogram) is defined as follows

\[S_{BT}(\omega)=\sum_{k=-M+1}^{M-1} w_k \hat r_k e^{-i \omega k}\]

where $w_k$ are window weights and $\hat r_k$ are standard sample covariance (or correlation) estimates


The Blackman-Tukey periodogram is implemented in the class.


The estimation of the spectrum is defined as follows:

  • The series is corrected for mean effect ($y_t^c=y_t-\overline y$)
  • Optionally, tapering is applied on the series
  • The $M-1$ first sample correlations are computed
  • The spectrum is computed, using the provided smoothing window (Tukey window by default)
  • it is evaluated at frequencies defined by $2 \pi k / \left(r\left(2M-1\right)\right)$, where $r$ is the relative (in $]0,1]$) resolution defined by the user (.5 by default)


        SmoothedPeriodogram periodogram = SmoothedPeriodogram.builder()
                .taper(new TukeyHanningTaper(.1))