Forecasts of ARIMA models (X12 implementation)

Using the definition of an ARMA model, we can compute recursively the ARMA forecasts of the series $\lbrace y_t\rbrace_{0 \lt t \le n}$ by the formula:

\[y_{n+k}=-\phi_1 y_{n+k-1} - \cdots - \phi_p y_{n+k-p} + \theta_1 \hat \epsilon_{n+k-1} + \cdots +\theta_q \hat \epsilon_{n+k-q}\]

where $\hat \epsilon_t=0$ if $t \gt n$ or has been estimated otherwise.

A simple approximate solution consists in estimating by maximum likelihood the residuals corresponding to the pure moving average model obtained after applying the auto-regressive filter. This is exactly what is done in the method developed for the X12 original program.

Such forecasts are optimal solution when the original ARIMA model doesn’t contain any auto-regressive part. In the other case, they corresponds to the forecasts conditional to the first p observations and not to the full data set.

A similar reasoning applies to non-stationary models.


This solution is implemented in the class demetra.arima.internal.FastArimaForecasts