Ansley algorithm

Short description

We consider the following stationary ARMA model of order $(p, q)$

\[\Phi \left(B \right) y_t = \Theta \left(B \right) \epsilon_t\]

Consider the transformation

\[\begin{equation} z_t= \begin{cases} y_t & (t=0, \cdots, p-1) \\ w_t=\Phi(B)y_t & (t=p, \cdots, n) \end{cases} \end{equation}\]

The covariance matrix $\Omega_z^2$ of $z_t$ is a band matrix with maximum bandwith $m= \max(p, q+1)$. More explicitly:

\[\Omega_z^2 = \begin{pmatrix} \Omega_{y,p}^2 & cov(y, w)_{p \times (m-p)} & 0 \\ cov(w,y)_{(m-p) \times p} & \Omega_{w, m-p}^2 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \Omega_{w, n-m}^2 \end{pmatrix}\]

where $\Omega_{y,k}^2, \Omega_{w,k}^2$ are the covariances of $y, w$ for $k$ observations.

Using the Wold representation of $y$, it is easy to see that

\[cov(y_t,w_t+i)= \begin{cases} \sum_{j=i}^{j \le q}{\theta_j \psi_{j-i}} & (1\le i \le q) \\ 0 & i \gt q \end{cases}\]

There exist efficient algorithms to compute the (banded) Cholesky factor $L$ of $\Omega_z^2$

$L^{-1}y$ can then be computed recursively and the determinant of $\Omega_z^2$ can be trivially retrieved from $L$


The algorithm is implemented in the class internal.toolkit.base.core.arima.AnsleyFilter

It should be noted that our implementation slightly differ from the original paper (which contains some typos/mistakes), but that it follows its main ideas.


[1] Ansley C.F. (1979), “An algorithm for the exact likelihood of a mixed autoregressinve-moving average process”, Biometrika, 66, 1, 59-65.