Local level (random walk) model


The local level block describes a random walk component. When the innovation variance is set to 0, it also describes a constant term (known when the initialization is specified, estimated otherwise)

\[l_{t+1} = l_t + \mu_t\] \[\mu_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2 \sigma^2_l)\]

It conforms to the general SSF by setting $ T_t = 1 $, $ V_t = \sigma^2\sigma^2_l $.

Depending on the estimation algorithm used, it may be preferrable to slightly modify the model and set $\sigma^2=1$


R users can use this function to define a local level model that belongs to the JD+ class JD3_SsfItem


Object of the JD+ class JD3_SsfItem:


jd3_ssf_locallevel(name, variance, fixed, initial)

Argument Definition Default Remarks
name string with the name of the component ex. "trend", do not forget the commmas
variance double for the value of $\sigma^2_l$ 1 variance of the innovation is actually $\sigma^2\sigma^2_l$
fixed logical that triggers estimation of $\sigma^2_l$ (FALSE) or fixes it (TRUE) to a pre-specified value set by the parameter variance FALSE
initial double setting the value of $l_0$ NaN The default NaN triggers the [diffuse initialization](../algorithms/dk.html)

Examples of use

jd3_ssf_locallevel("trend", variance=1, fixed=FALSE, initial=NaN) // default
jd3_ssf_locallevel("trend", variance=1, fixed=TRUE)               // fix variance to 1
jd3_ssf_locallevel("trend", variance=1, fixed=TRUE, initial=0)    // fix variance to 1 and initial state to 0

Application 1

In this example we design a model based on a local level specification with default settings (i.e. random walk)

Create Model:

  • The very first thing one needs to do is to create the model object, which will be called “yourModel”:

Specify latent variables (transition equations):

  • Second, we add our random walk and name it as “trend”. In the absence of further arguments, this function triggers the default specification, which is a random walk without drift:
    add(yourModel, jd3_ssf_locallevel("trend"))

Measurement equation design:

Let’s define the following measurement equation (see Measurements)

\[eq1 : y_{t} = l_t + \epsilon_{t}\]

where \(\epsilon_{t}\) is I.I.D. with \(var(\epsilon_{t}) =\sigma^2 \sigma^2_{\epsilon}\)

  • Let’s assign the name “eq1” to our measurement equation, where the time series called “yourData” (\(y_{t}\)) is assumed to depend on the factor “trend” (\(l_t\)). By default, the trend enters with coefficient equal to 1. The I.I.D. measurement error component \(\epsilon\) has a variance equal to zero by default (i.e. \(var(\epsilon_{t})=\sigma^2 \sigma^2_{\epsilon}\) where \(\sigma^2_{\epsilon} =0\) by default):
    eq1 <-jd3_ssf_equation("yourData")                            
    add(eq1, "trend")                                         
  • Since \(var(\epsilon_{t}) =\sigma^2 \sigma^2_{\epsilon}\) , the measurement error component is exactly identified by fixing \(\sigma^2_{\epsilon}=1\). However, we have said that the default specification fixes \(\sigma^2_{\epsilon}=0\) . In order to impose the restriction \(\sigma^2_{\epsilon}=1\), we use the following notation:
    eq1 <-jd3_ssf_equation("yourData",variance=1, fixed = TRUE) )                            
    add(eq1, "trend")                                         
    add(eq1, "constant")                                         
  • By default, the coefficient associated to the factor (trend) is equal to one. In order to relax this assumption and estimate a different model: \(eq1 : y_{t} =\alpha \tau_{t} + \epsilon_{t}\), we use the following arguments:
    eq1 <-jd3_ssf_equation("yourData",variance=1, fixed = TRUE) )                            
    add(eq1, "trend", 0.5, FALSE)                                         
    add(eq1, "constant")                                         

    where \(\alpha\) is a free parameter that is set to \(\alpha =0.5\) only for the purposes of initialization.

Application 2 (multivariate)

In this example we design a model with two observables and two factors. The first one is a local level specification with default settings (i.e. random walk) and the second factor is a new local level that degenerates to a constant term.

Thus, we have two different measurements \(y_{1,t}, y_{2,t}\) for the level \(l_t\). The two measurement equations follow:

\(eq1 : y_{1,t} =c_{1} + \alpha_{1} l_{t} + \epsilon_{1,t}\),

\(eq2 : y_{2,t} = \alpha_{2} l_{t} + \epsilon_{2,t}\),

This multivariate model would be specified as follows in R:

// create model


// specify latent variables

add(newModel, jd3_ssf_locallevel("tau"))
add(newModel, jd3_ssf_locallevel("c1", variance = 0, fixed = TRUE)) 

// two measurement equations

eq1 <-jd3_ssf_equation("y1",variance=1, fixed = TRUE) )                            
add(eq1, "tau", 0.5, FALSE)                                         
add(eq1, "c1")                                         

eq2 <-jd3_ssf_equation("y2",variance=1, fixed = FALSE) // by default it would be (variance=0, fixed = TRUE)                            
add(eq1, "tau", 0.5, FALSE)                                         

In this example, the second equation helps to identify \(c_{1}\). The reason is that the initial value of \(l_{t}\) and \(c_{1}\) in the first equation cannot be separately identified.