Rational function expansion

A rational function is defined as the ratio of two polynomials

\[R\left( x \right) = \frac{P\left( x \right)}{Q\left( x \right)}\]

The expansion of the rational function is computed recursively. More explicitly, if

\[P\left( x \right) = p_0+p_1 x +\cdots + p_m x^m\]


\[Q\left( x \right) = q_0+q_1 x +\cdots + q_n x^n \qquad , \: q_0 \neq 0\]


\[R\left( x \right) = r_0+r_1 x + r_2 x^2 +\cdots\]

is computed by equating the coefficients of

\[R\left( x \right) Q\left( x \right) \quad and \quad P\left( x \right)\]

Using the convention that $p_k=0$ if $k>m$ we get

\[r_0 = \frac{p_0} {q_0}\] \[r_1 = \frac{ p_1 - r_0 q_1} { q_0 }\] \[\cdots\] \[r_k=\begin{cases}\frac{p_k-\sum_{i=1}^{k} {r_{k-i} q_i}}{q_0} & if &k\le n \\ \frac{p_k-\sum_{i=1}^{n} {r_{k-i} q_i}}{q_0}& if & k\gt n \end{cases}\]


Rational functions of polynomials with real coefficients are implemented in the class demetra.maths.polynomials.RationalFunction